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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Truth About Wal-Mart RFID Plans

Nice piece in CGT. Worth reading. I find nothing very surprising here. Just that the latest writings indicated a specific set of plans, while previously only general talks were mentioned. Tagging clothes has been talked for a decade. That is what likely galvanized some of the usual critics of tagging. Not unexpected.

The Truth about Wal-Mart's RFID Plans
' ... Retailers, including Dillard's, JCPenney, Bloomingdale's and American Apparel, have publically talked about their RFID tagging efforts over the course of the last couple of years, with no particular public attention or concern. But when news was released that Wal-Mart is RFID tagging garments, the media went nuts as claims ran the gamut from concerns about consumer privacy and surreptitious motives to RFID redo circa 2004.

The truth is, the retail giant has never stopped exploring the potential business value of RFID, and has experimented with various use cases, from the pallet and case efforts of a few years ago to DVD tagging to the now well known apparel tagging efforts. These efforts are all aimed at improving the efficiency by which Wal-Mart does business, thereby reducing the price of goods conveyed to consumers ... '

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