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Friday, September 28, 2012

Full Scale Virtual Research Continued

I made another working visit to John Milby's Full Scale Virtual Research laboratory today and remain very impressed by their abilities and direction.  He has taken the capabilities far beyond our enterprise lab work. I had professor Shu Schiller of Wright State University with me and we discussed the practical applications of the method, and its similarity to augmented reality research methods she is working on in her research.  This resulted from a talk I gave at Wright State last weekend on the implications of the 'end to end virtual supply chain'.

Imagine the ability to rapidly interact with shelf designs and expose designs to the shopper.  Build experimental designs and create trade offs for all sorts of packaging,  fixtures and product placement.  Understand the mechanics and details of consumer first-moment-of-truth choice.  Include how shoppers use their smart phones in the store.   Integrate advanced methods like eye tracking.  All at full scale and seamlessly, digitally and quickly done.  Contact me or John Milby directly at the link above for more information.

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