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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Retailers Struggling with Big Data

In Retailwire: 

When RSR recently asked retailers about the status of capabilities related to capturing and analyzing Big Data, we found that no capability was reported to have been “implemented” by up to 50 percent of retailers and less than a quarter claimed to be “satisfied” with what they had implemented.

The industry has a “half empty or half full” problem. The optimistic view is we’re in the very early days when it comes to truly leveraging non-transactional data. The pessimistic view is that retailers are just too slow to change.  ....  "

May also depend on your definition of big data.   Operational data based on the stream created by costs, sales and ongoing decisions may make much more sense.

I see our colleague Peter Fader at Wharton commented on this:

" .. it’s simple: retailers are obsessed with one and only one thing — operational efficiency. Big Data can be somewhat helpful in this regard but the real payoff from it, as noted in Brian’s introductory comments, is in different kinds of personalization/customization. Retailers are notoriously bad at doing this (because these activities go against the grain of operational efficiency).

Until retailers are willing/able to change their core strategies in a fundamental manner, they will never reap the rewards of Big Data. ..." 

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